Social Media

The Engage Voters social media service begins with a reset and complete update for all platforms in line with the campaign theme, coloration and positions. The look and feel of Facebook updated to be in line with the look and feel of Instagram & Twitter. While messaging is different on each platform, all social platforms become united around the campaign and candidate.

Facebook & Instagram accounts are brought into compliance to allow for campaign advertising should the campaign decide to do so.

Actual posts are created by our content creators in conjunction with the campaign and require campaign approval prior to posting. Additionally, weekly-monthly-quarterly reports are distributed to outline the effort and effectiveness of the campaign as well as competitive reporting to contrast with opposing campaigns. This reporting is granular to the most successful posts of the client campaign as well as any opposing campaign(s).

All social media clients also may add our listings service. This service places campaign information, logos, images, bios and other information on over 70 sites including search engines (Bing, Google, Yahoo, etc.).

Engagement Services

Video Podcast

EVUS Video Podcast is the long-term content-building solution.

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Automated “ROBO” Calling

Full service targeted automated calling campaigns using segmented voter files (ours or yours) to reach the right voters with the right message.

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Campaign Consultation

With over 30 years experience, we are available to offer all levels of campaign consultation & management.

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At Engage Voters US, we understand the importance of door to door canvassing in voter outreach campaigns.

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Digital Advertising

Targeted digital advertising using segmented voter files to reach specific voters.

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eMail Campaign

eMail is the most difficult/easy thing to do. The content has to look right, the voter list has to be right & you need an open rate that gets the job done.

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MMS Texting

Text your targeted audience 720 characters, a link & a picture with 80+ percent delivery rate.

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Phone Banking Software

It’s not just calling, it's maximizing phone technology while using matched voter data to reach as many of the right voters as quickly as possible.

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Printed Mail

We design, print & mail the campaign piece directly to your voters.

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Telephone Town Hall

Through a traditional form of communication, the phone with a 21st-century web interface to create an interactive town hall meeting.

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Voter Data

With a 30-Year history of providing the most up-to-date targeted voter data, our team works to create the voter list that makes the most sense for your campaign.

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Website Development

We will build, update & maintain your campaign website.

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Empowering Campaigns Through Curated Voter Engagement

At Engage Voters US (EVUS), we specialize in curating live voter data to maximize engagement for candidates, political campaigns, and municipalities. Our innovative approach ensures that your outreach is not only effective but also deeply resonant with your target audience.Why Choose EVUS?

  • Data-Driven Insights: We harness the power of curated voter data to understand demographics, voting habits, and engagement potential.
  • Tailored Engagement Services: Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to meet the unique needs of each campaign, ensuring maximum impact.
  • Expertise in Voter Engagement: With years of experience in the field, we know how to connect with voters in meaningful ways.

Our Services Include:

  • Voter Data Analysis
  • Targeted Messaging
  • Outreach Strategies
  • Engagement Campaigns

Explore our full range of engagement services at EVUS Services