Digital Advertising

It begins with the data. Engage Voters Data is curated to meet the needs of specific outreach, call to action or the overall campaign. As with all engagement services we offer, we recommend hyper targeting to maximize budget and message.

Programmatic advertising is a system that automates the processes and transactions involved with purchasing and dynamically placing ads on websites or applications.

Programmatic advertising makes it possible to purchase and place ads, including targeted advertising content, in less than a second. No advertisement ever simply ‘resides’ on a website or application.

Here is how it works:

A targeted resident clicks on a website
The website owner puts the ad impression up for auction (SSP)
Advertisers offer bids for the impression (DSP)
The highest bidder wins the ad impression
The ad is served on the website to the user
The user clicks on the ad for the conversion

Despite the many steps involved, this entire process happens in an instant. What’s more, the competing bids are calculated by algorithms and a host of analytics to automatically determine the most cost-effective bid.

Placement & Dimensions

Smartphone Static Banner
320x50, 320x100, 320x250
Tablet Interstitial
300x250, 300x600, 728x90

Medium Rectangle
Wide Skyscraper
Half Page

Facebook Advertising, Google Advertising, Instagram Advertising and direct IP Advertising are all available as customized solutions.

We work with you to fine tune the message as well as “call to action” to relate specifically to the goals of the candidate & campaign.

We work together to create a single ad or a comprehensive program that is organized, planned, executed and reported for maximum benefit.

Reporting is supplied on a regular basis during the campaign and in summary upon completion.

Engagement Services

Automated “ROBO” Calling

Full service targeted automated calling campaigns using segmented voter files (ours or yours) to reach the right voters with the right message.

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Campaign Consultation

With over 30 years experience, we are available to offer all levels of campaign consultation & management.

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At Engage Voters US, we understand the importance of door to door canvassing in voter outreach campaigns.

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eMail Campaign

eMail is the most difficult/easy thing to do. The content has to look right, the voter list has to be right & you need an open rate that gets the job done.

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Live Calling

Start the conversation, identify Voters and identify Influential Voters.

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MMS Texting

Text your targeted audience 720 characters, a link & a picture with 80+ percent delivery rate.

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Phone Banking Software

It’s not just calling, it's maximizing phone technology while using matched voter data to reach as many of the right voters as quickly as possible.

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Printed Mail

We design, print & mail the campaign piece directly to your voters.

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Social Media

Social media has changed the game, allowing incumbents and newcomers alike to speak directly to constituents on everything from policy to what they had for lunch.

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Telephone Town Hall

Through a traditional form of communication, the phone with a 21st-century web interface to create an interactive town hall meeting.

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Voter Data

With a 30-Year history of providing the most up-to-date targeted voter data, our team works to create the voter list that makes the most sense for your campaign.

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Website Development

We will build, update & maintain your campaign website.

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We are the SERVICE providing matched Voter Data, Engagement Services and Campaign Consultation. We are an extension of your campaign.

Ultimately it’s about the voters so the voter data is critical. With over 30 years experience, Jerry Skurnik and Stu Osnow bring real experience and knowledge to curating our voter data and customizing voter engagement. Of course we’ll also work with your data if you wish.

We are about engagement. Once we have the audience, we work with you to connect and engage with them. We have 12 services available to campaigns. We can do a program a la carte with one service at a time or we can create a multi-service plan with a number of services rolled out over the course of the campaign (and everything in between).